Monday, August 26, 2013

Did you know that Syrians can be saved by killing more Syrians?

That's the logic that makes perfect sense to warmongers.... a multitude of whom are in the USA, UK and France. 

TheGurardian UK is carrying a live blog on developments today as they unfold .... all developments indicate that we will be in yet  another unnecessary war manufactured, molded, initiated and implemented by those who rule over us without our consent:

Peter Walker and Tom McCarthy at TheGuardianUK:
9.45pm BST A British military base in Cyprus has seen a sharp uptick in activity, the Guardian's Martin Chulov reports:
Warplanes and military transporters have begun arriving at Britain's Akrotiri airbase on Cyprus, less than 100 miles from the Syrian coast, in a sign of increasing preparations for a military strike against the Assad regime in Syria.
Two commercial pilots who regularly fly from Larnaca on Monday told the Guardian that they had seen C-130 transport planes from their cockpit windows as well as small formations of fighter jets on their radar screens, which they believe had flown from Europe.
Residents near the British airfield, a sovereign base since 1960, also say activity there has been much higher than normal over the past 48 hours............

Paul Szoldra writing at BusinessInsider:
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell   spoke cautiously Sunday about any possible Syrian intervention, warning that the two-year-old civil war was likely beyond U.S. capabilities to affect any meaningful change.

"I have no affection for Assad," Powell told Bob Schieffer on CBS' "Face the Nation," while mentioning he knows the Syrian president and has personally dealt with him. "He's a pathological liar."

However, Powell said, "I am less sure of the resistance. What do they represent? Is it becoming even more radicalized with more al Qaeda coming in, and what would it look like if they prevailed and Assad went? I don't know.".......

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