Monday, August 26, 2013

58% of Quebec residents approve of ban on wearing of religious symbols in public funded entities

Fantastic!   Look ... if you are a Christian Canadian or a Jewish Canadian  and you are appalled (or pretending to be appalled) at this new commonsense initiative from the Quebec government ... ask yourself why these kind of steps are needed now of all times. These steps are needed because the religious segments of the Canadian population are becoming too "in your face" and constantly working towards a showdown.  Neither the Muslims nor the Sikhs are making even an iota of an effort to assimilate or integrate with the rest of the population.  Religious beliefs, symbols and dress should be displayed only at cultural functions or days celebrating weddings and the like .... in those environments and not in public.   Look at the Chinese, Korean and Japanese Canadians ... do you see them in their traditional dress anywhere ?  However, if you were to attend one of their weddings or other celebrations you would see them in those outfits along with other ceremonial and cultural adornments.  Are these three peoples without religion?  No.   But they know when and where to display their faith and their cultural practices.

The new law, if passed and implemented, will make allowance for small crucifixes if worn as a fashion accessory.  This is a country founded on Christian values but unfortunately for the Christians they will have to give up on their own privileges because either they, their parents or their parents' parents thought it was a good thing to import Muslims, Sikhs and others who bring their religion to the workplace as a  "I dare you to say I can't.' 

I  for one,  think it's about time such a law was passed.  It's time to let immigrants to this country know that this is a Judeo-Christian country they have migrated to and  not a far-flung part of the hellholes they have migrated from.  As for their supporters who are crying "foul"  .... it's all very commendable to sound and put on an act of a beatified saint citing "religious freedom for everybody"  but ignoring the fact that other religions are trampling into the dust your own Christian or Jewish religion....intentionally, while you are on your secret suicide mission, a secret you have kept even from your own naively stupid self.

Andy Radia writing at Canada Politics,Yahoo:
The Quebec government's proposed  Values Charter seems to have caused some consternation across the country.

Details of the proposed legislation — leaked to media last week — suggest that all public employees will be banned from wearing religious symbols in public institutions. While specifics of the plan have yet to be officially released, some reports suggest that visible crosses, yarmulkes, hijabs, niqabs, burkas and turbans would all be prohibited.

While it seems most Canadians are outraged, most Quebecers support the new rules regarding religious accommodation.
According to a Forum Research poll obtained by the Montreal Gazette on Sunday, 58 per cent of Quebec residents approve of the proposed rules versus 33 per cent who disapprove.
Conversely, in the rest of Canada, 42 per cent approve of it and 47 per cent don't..........

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