
Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Senate Seat for Sarah Palin?

Lot of buzz  on   Sarah Palin maybe angling for  a senate seat..... Dem. Mark Begich's seat in Alaska particularly.  Lowering the expectations of her  supporters but willing to do so,  is yet another confirmation of how this woman wants only the best for her State and her country.   Can't wait to see the claws coming out from the Left as well as from the idiot elites of the Right who are sitting comfortably in the Bush family camps ... all stinking rich, all born with silver spoons in their mouths.

From the below at her facebook page,  IMO,  she has already started campaigning against Begich.  If  I am not mistaken, her boom! boom! boom!  below must have  been because of  what Begich seem to have said here.

Really, Mark? Really? 
Margaret Thatcher used to say, “I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.” So, thank you, Mark Begich, for making me and others exceptionally cheery today! Mark, after looking at your voting record I can see why you are looking for a distraction. You have voted FOR Obamacare, FOR massive tax increases, FOR carbon taxes which could cost Alaskans 21,000 jobs, AGAINST pro-life legislation, and there’s so much more. You even flip-flopped to oppose the nation’s balanced budget amendment. You agree with, and vote with, ultra-liberal Senators Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid approximately 90% of the time. Mark, you recently said, “Alaskans pick who they want based on what’s good for Alaska.” Couldn’t agree more, Mark, which is why many hope to see great changes for our great state following the upcoming 2014 election. In the meantime, we suppose we’ll see much more playing of the ol' Washington political game using those inside D.C. reporters each time you have to distract from yet another bad vote for Alaska in the U.S. Senate. It cheers us up and gives us good opportunity to remind Alaskans just how loyal to the Obama agenda you have been. 
- Sarah Palin

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