Sunday, June 30, 2013

USA, UK and France plan on sending weapons to beheaders of Christian bishops and priests

Warning: Extremely graphic (if you're queasy, just listen to the vid like I did. )

There are conflicting reports about one of the three men beheaded in the vid below.  That man, according to the vid could be a bishop and if that is indeed true ... then I wonder if  he might be one of  two bishops kidnapped  by the terrorist rebels many weeks ago  OR  he could be Fr. Francois Murad (see the news release of his death  below the vid) and the Vatican is not giving us true and accurate news on how he met his end.  Did the Vatican have the correct information on how he was killed and did the Vatican purposely hide that fact?

Here we are doing our best to stop the warmongering countries mentioned in the title, from sending arms to the terrorists in Syria .... and if the Vatican is deliberately hiding the fact of  either Fr.Murad's or a bishop's beheading at the hands of these monsters,  then the Vatican is inviting a whole lot of criticism from all quarters.

On June 25 we learnt via the Catholic News Service that:
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Syrian priest killed    during rebel attack on Franciscan convent. A 49-year-old Syrian priest and hermit was killed June 23, apparently when a group of rebels attacked the Franciscan Convent of St. Anthony in Ghassanieh, a village in the north near the Turkish border.
Franciscan Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the head of the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land, told Vatican Radio June 24 that Father Francois Murad was not a Franciscan, but had taken refuge in the convent when it became clear he was not safe at the Syriac Catholic hermitage he was building nearby.
Syriac Catholic Archbishop Jacques Behnan Hindo of Hassake-Nisibi told Fides, the news agency of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, that Father Murad "sent me several messages which showed he was aware of living in a dangerous situation and was willing to offer his life for peace in Syria and the world."
Father Pizzaballa told Vatican Radio that Ghassanieh -- "like other Christian villages -- has been almost completely destroyed and is almost totally abandoned." He said he believes the only people left in Ghassanieh "are the rebels with their families, rebels who are not from Syria and who are extremists."
"The only thing we can do, other than pray for Father Francois and all the victims, is pray that this folly ends soon and that no more weapons are sent to Syria because that would only prolong this absurd civil war," Father Pizzaballa said.
The Franciscan leader said Syria is a "battleground, and not just between Syrian forces, but also for other Arab countries and the international community. The ones paying the price are the poor, the small and the least, including the Christians."
"The international community must put the brakes on this," he said.

1 comment:

  1. The woman cannot differentiate between "bishop" and "priest". It is definitely Murad the priest not one of the bishops. Rome knows and is keeping quiet.


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