Saturday, June 29, 2013

Turkish unrest gains mega momentum after Kurd protester's death

This is not gonna end well for Erdogan.

From RTNews:
Thousands of protesters have gathered   in central Istanbul in an anti-government rally to denounce government use of force against the demonstrators and to show solidarity with the protester killed in southeastern Turkey on Friday.

Saturday’s Taksim Square protest was dispersed after a couple of hours following a police warning, as law enforcement used shields to push the crowd away from the square. Water cannon trucks were also present but no water was fired. 

"Murderer police, get out of Kurdistan!" protesters chanted as they approached the cordoned area. "This is only the beginning, the struggle continues. The murderer state will pay!" 

Around 1,000 people have remained after the warning and were pursued by police on to the side streets where ten people were detained according to the Hürriyet Daily.

The June 29 protest had been planned as part of larger unrelated anti-government demonstrations but then turned out to voice solidarity with the Kurds following an incident on Friday when government forces killed an 18-year-old Kurd, Medeni Yildirim, and wounded at least 10 protesters as they fired on a group of some 250 people that was protesting the construction of a gendarmerie in the Lice district of Diyarbakir province. ....

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