Friday, June 21, 2013

US sending 400 riot control soldiers to Egypt

The USA is sending 400 riot control "peacekeepers"  to safeguard the Muslim Brotherhood?  Maybe or maybe not.  See the paratrooper's input at last link.
However, after  the unexpected events in Turkey,  anything is possible on all the borders of Israel.  

From WashingtonTimes:
....U.S. soldiers set to deploy to Egypt for riot control.A group of U.S. soldiers are rocked and ready to deploy to Egypt for a 9-month peacekeeping mission aimed at curbing riots. More than 400 American troops will ultimately go, as part of the Multinational Force and Observers peacekeeping force, KDH News reported.

From KCenTV:
A group of soldiers  are preparing for their deployment to Egypt with riot training on post.
They're planning ahead for violent protests or riots and the possibility of protecting the country's border with Israel.
Soldiers encountered Molotov cocktails and other dangerous items in the training.
Lt. Matthew Wilkinson says, "Just what I've seen over the course of the past week than we were a week ago."
PFC Perez Alexander says, "We want to be as professional as possible... Know what we're doing."
They wrap up training today before preparing to ship out in the near future.

On ArmyParatrooper forum a member comments:
...No ..this is NOT a new deployment. This is actually talking about the UN's Multi-Force Observer (MFO) mission that's been going on since the Camp David Peace Accords (we started providing troops in 1982)- and I'm pretty sure they were trained in riot control techniques back then too (although if I'm mistaken please correct me). Looks like the msm forgot we still have a commitment there, but hey, thanks for finally noticing.

Some of the old timers who served on this mission probably remember how Eilat was a party city, or the generally relaxed atmosphere of the deployment. That all went away when the Arab Spring came. Now, there's been attacks targeting MFO personnel and threats of attacks targeting Israeli, Egyptian and AMERICAN troops. It's only a matter of time before we begin to see high-profile attacks targeting our personnel there. The locals already overran our embassy last September. Things aren't getting better, they're getting worse, but you wouldn't know it from our msm that's been burying everything for the last two years. Now they're trying to play "catch up," only now it's exposing even more holes in their "unbiased" claims. Too little, too late....

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