Friday, June 21, 2013

Danger signs all over the Egyptian landscape

Something pretty bad has been going on in Egypt while we were distracted with Turkey and Syria.  USA's decision to send the 400 riot control troops is probably because on June 30 mass demos are expected to take place  demanding Morsi resignation .... and the USA does not want another repeat of Benghazi in yet another  country.  There are hundreds, if not thousands of Americans  in Egypt.

The vid below is showing just one of the multitude of Egyptian imams instigating the congregation to go do jihad and mayhem in Syrian and kill as many non-Sunni Syrians they can find.  Check out the mad crowd calling Assad a coward because he has not sent his army to the Golan Heights.  Hear that Israel ?   They despise him even more because he has been doing his best to keep peace with you.

From NewsMaxWorld:
...Tens of thousands of supporters of Egypt's Islamist    president gathered on Friday for a huge rally that filled part of a main boulevard near Cairo's presidential palace in a show of force against opponents demanding his ouster, signs of increasing tension and polarization. 

With pictures of President Mohammed Morsi, Quranic chants over loudspeakers and shouts of "Islamic, Islamic in the eye of the secularists," the rally indicated that Morsi's Islamist backers and his Muslim Brotherhood appeared to be an attempt to give a religious flavor to the nation's deep political differences.

Friday's pro-Morsi rally was meant to counter plans by his opponents to stage mass demonstrations on June 30, the anniversary of his coming to power in 2012, demanding that he step down. He was elected after a popular uprising ousted President Hosni Mubarak in 2011....

From speech of US Ambassador to Egypt Ann Patterson on June 18 (read it in full to catch the underlying taqiyyah... "when in Rome be like the Romans" ... holds true for the Americans in Egypt too)
....I have been the Ambassador to Egypt for two years now, and I am in a position of authority to talk about my government’s relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood. 
Our policy remains what it always has been:  the Government of the United States of America supports Egypt, its people, and its government.  The U.S. Government, which represents the interests and desires of the American people, wants Egypt to succeed.  We want Egyptians to have the same benefits of living in a free and democratic society that we enjoy.  Americans want Egyptians to have the right to choose their leaders, to say what they think, to believe and worship as their consciences dictate, to associate with whomever they wish, and to have fair laws that apply equally to all, irrespective of status or wealth or social class..........
.....Let's examine in detail my assertion that the Government of the United States supports Egypt.  In order to do this, the U.S. Government must deal with the Egyptian Government.  This is the government that you and your fellow citizens elected.  Even if you voted for others, I don’t think the elected nature of this government is seriously in doubt.  Throughout Egypt’s post-revolution series of elections, the United States took the position that we would work with whoever won elections that met international standards, and this is what we have done. 
Because many in the Egyptian Government are affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood or its Freedom and Justice Party, the U.S. Government must work with them across a huge range of issues: commercial, cultural, political, agricultural, trade, and our consular immigration issues.........
........Some say that street action will produce better results than elections.  To be honest, my government and I are deeply skeptical. 
Egypt needs stability to get its economic house in order, and more violence on the streets will do little more than add new names to the lists of martyrs. .......

Jay Sekulow of ACLJ writing at FoxNews:
...The news from Egypt is grim.
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood president, Mohammed Morsi made international headlines this week as he appointed Adel Al Khayat as governor of Luxor, an ancient Egyptian city that is key tourist destination.
The problem with Mr. Khayat? He just happens to lead the “political” arm of a terrorist organization that massacred tourists in Luxor in 1997. The details of the attack are beyond grisly, with many of the dead disemboweled and notes “praising Islam” placed inside their mutilated bodies. 
When it comes to the Middle East, we have proven to be the worst of friends and the best of enemies..........

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