Thursday, June 20, 2013

The G8-minus-Putin's suicide bombers in Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria and everywhere else

How can the leader of a country we have been brainwashed to shun  be so much more intelligent than the idiots we have elected to high places ... How ???

Sunni suicide bomber blows up another Sunni and his family members.

A suicide bomber blew himself up  as he embraced a Sunni Muslim political leader in northern Iraq Wednesday, killing the man and four of his family a day before elections in the area.

Al-Qaeda’s local wing has increased its attacks this year, often targeting moderate Sunni leaders in a bid to ignite sectarian upheaval and undermine Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s Shiite-led government.
Pretending to be a guest at a family gathering, the attacker hugged Younis al-Rammah before detonating an explosive vest.

Rammah headed the moderate Sunni “United Iraq Gathering” movement, a minor political group, police and local officials said.
“Body parts and human flesh covered the garden of the house where the attack happened,” a police officer said.
No one claimed responsibility for the attack in Hadhar in Nineveh Province, 80 km south of Mosul.
But officials blame most recent attacks on Al-Qaeda’s local wing, Islamic State of Iraq.
Violence is at its worst level for five years, with more than 1,000 people killed in May......

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