Thursday, June 20, 2013

NATO's peace partners from hell

The world has gone mad ... that we know.  But, did we know that the leaders of the NATO nations were the first ones  affected with this incurable virus of utter stupid stark raving craziness?

I wonder if the Canadian dumbo who used to be married to that burkha beast Zaynab Khadr (from  the infamous rotten terrorist family of Canada) and who meandered with his new American bride to the Taliban territory, both of whom have not been heard of for over a year .... are they too in the clutches of NATO's peace partners or are they even alive?

Taliban demanding five senior operatives   before opening peace talks.The Afghan Taliban are ready to free a U.S. army soldier held captive since 2009 in exchange for five of their senior operatives imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay as a conciliatory gesture, a senior spokesman for the group said Thursday.

The offer follows this week's official opening of a Taliban political office in Doha, the capital of the Gulf state of Qatar.

The only known American soldier held captive from the Afghan war is U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl of Hailey, Idaho. He disappeared from his base in southeastern Afghanistan on June 30, 2009, and is believed held in Pakistan.

In an exclusive telephone interview with The Associated Press from his Doha office, Taliban spokesman Shaheen Suhail said on Thursday that Bergdahl "is, as far as I know, in good condition. ".

Suhail did not elaborate on Bergdahl's current whereabouts.

Bergdahl's parents earlier this month received a letter from their son who turned 27 on March 28 through the International Committee of the Red Cross. They did not release details of the letter but renewed their plea for his release.........

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