Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Wanna know what's happening on the "gang up on Syria and Shiites" front?

From TheEconomist:
....“Erdogan had better not set foot here, it’s all his fault, government resign,” shouted Yusuf, a teenager standing near a mourning tent in Reyhanli, where twin car-bomb explosions on May 11th killed at least 51 people, wounded scores more and left a once sleepy border town looking like war-racked Syria. Locals blame the interventionist Syrian policies of Turkey’s prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for the attacks that ripped out the commercial heart of Reyhanli, until recently a bastion of Mr Erdogan’s Justice and Development (AK) party.
Reyhanli and nearby villages are home to tens of thousands of Syrian refugees and opposition fighters who have poured into Turkey since 2011. Within minutes of the blasts locals vented their rage at the Syrians, prompting many to flee. “The government should never have allowed refugees to live in the towns and least of all so close to the border,” said Hasan Ozdemir, editor of a local newspaper whose windows were blown out. “Arming the opposition fighters and providing them haven, that was the worst blunder of all.”
Turkey blamed the Syrian government and a local leftist terrorist outfit “with close ties to Syrian intelligence services” for the blasts. Four suspects, all Turkish, are under arrest. But Mr Ozdemir’s views are shared by many Turks, including AK supporters who fret that Turkey is being dragged into Syria’s civil war. .....

From France24:
.... Battle for Qusair raises threat of Syria partition.  Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has lost control of northern and southern Syria and is focused on a strategic corridor linking the Mediterranean coast to Damascus. Will this accelerate the fragmentation of Syria?
More than two years after the conflict began, Syria today is totally transformed. While experts discuss the threat of partition, on the ground, Syria is effectively a divided country.
"What the country is experiencing today is in fact a real partition - even if it’s not official," said Syrian anthropologist Randa Kassis – who is also a member of the opposition Syrian National Council – in an interview with a French radio station. “The Kurdish area (in the north) enjoys partial autonomy. The (western) coastal zone and the heart of Damascus is under regime control, and if we go south, in the Druze areas, the situation is ambiguous."..........

From DigitalJournal:
...Throughout the two year civil war  that has raged unabated in Syria, the Obama administration has tried very hard to portray the Free Syrian Army as a revolutionary force of freedom and democracy. However, the actual truth is much more frightening.
There is a false assumption by many Americans that because the Free Syrian Army (FSA) are fighting to topple the regime of ruthless dictator, Bashar al-Assad, and have the backing of U.S. president Barrack Obama that they are automatically a force for freedom, democracy and justice.

This could not possibly be any further from the truth.
In actuality, the Obama administration has been omitting or distorting the truth about the FSA as its spin machine works overtime trying to romanticize and portray this rebel force in a favorable light as “freedom fighters.”
The contrast between the FSA that the Obama administration portrays and the true nature of this entity are quite striking......

From GlobalResearch:
Media sources confirm the seizure  of an Israeli military vehicle in Al Qseir inside Syrian territory.
The vehicle’s licence plate corresponds to that of the Israeli military with a black background and the letter Tsade (צ) (see image below)
Al Qseir is a strategic border town on the Northern frontier of Lebanon. Occupied by rebels, it was taken back by Syrian forces on Monday.
Al-Qseir  controls the highway which runs from the Lebanese border to Homs. It is through this border city that weapons and foreign mercenaries have entered Syria.

From EuropeNews:
Islamists, allegedly belonging to the Nusra Front administer ninety lashes to two men in accordance with Sharia law, a system they are increasingly seeking to implement upon areas they control.

From WND:
The Israeli media have been quoting   Arab news media reports claiming a Russian convoy of game-changing S300 missile batteries are already in Syria.
Citing Arab intelligence sources last week, WND was first to report that some S300 missile batteries reached Syria two weeks ago.
At the time, Israeli security sources said there was no information to support the Arab claim.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been leading efforts to block the S300 sale, flying to Russia last week to meet with President Vladimir Putin on the matter as well as other security concerns.
Now the Israel media is quoting the London-based Arab paper Al-Quds Al-Arabi, which claimed the S300 missiles are currently in Syria under Russian supervision. The report claimed the missiles are not yet operational.
Israel’s Channel 2 further reported Syrian soldiers completed their training on the S300 on Russian soil.

From CBSNews:
....Three members of Lebanon's militant Hezbollah  group died of wounds sustained while fighting for control of a strategic Syrian town near the Lebanese border, activists said Tuesday, as the battle in the area raged for its third straight day.
According to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the deaths brought the total number of Hezbollah fighters killed since Sunday in the battle for Qusair to 31. Hezbollah is a staunch ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad.
The town, which had been in rebel hands for more than a year, was the target of a government offensive in recent weeks. Regime troops backed by Hezbollah fighters, seized the town's surrounding countryside as well as nearby villages.
On Sunday, Assad's forces pushed deep inside Qusair, taking control of more than 60 percent of the town, while still fighting street battles with rebels in several districts.

From TheIndependentUK:
Israeli and Syrian troops exchanged fire across the Golan Heights today, the third time this week that the two sides have clashed across the disputed border.
According to the Israeli army - the IDF - troops came under fire, with at least one vehicle left damaged after the incident. IDF artillery units responded with Tammuz missiles. The Israeli military said its troops "returned precise fire" after the vehicle was hit.
While the damage was limited in the latest skirmish - no injuries were reported - officials will be concerned at what appears to be an increase in violence at the border. Earlier this week, Israeli forces said that they had come under fire in two separate incidents, and while they had not responded the incident had been reported to UN officials in the area.

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