Tuesday, May 21, 2013

PM very clear on Conservative ethics requirement: "Those who seek to benefit from public office should leave Tory caucus"

It's tough to find an honest politician and PM Stephen Harper has his own quota of faults too, we know that  ... but even his enemies must admit that this man would prefer to die than take what does not belong to him.  People like him are allergic to greedy people like Mike Duffy, Pamela Waller, Patrick Brazeau ... and I fear to think how many others like them are still inside the Tory caucus.

From SUNNews
... Prime Minister Stephen Harper told Conservative MPsTuesday morning he is "very upset" about a Senate expense scandal that forced his top aide to resign Sunday and saw two Senators leave his caucus last week. 

From Yahoo:
...Prime Minister Stephen Harper says any federal Conservative who is in politics to seek personal gain from public office should get out of his caucus.

From OttawaCitizen:
....Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Tuesday he is “not happy” with the actions of some Senators and with the conduct of his own office......

From CBC
...."I don't think any of you are going to be very surprised to hear that I’m not happy. I'm very upset about some conduct we have witnessed, the conduct of some parliamentarians and the conduct of my own office," Harper told Conservative MPs and senators Tuesday.

"Canada has one of the most accountable and transparent systems of government in the entire world," Harper said. "It is something we can never take for granted."
"I know that, like me and my family, that you are scrupulous about paying expenses of a personal nature yourselves... but that said, let me repeat something else I said in that same speech in 2005, and let me be very blunt about it: Anyone who wants to use public office for their own benefit should make other plans, or better yet, leave this room," Harper said.

In an apparent swipe at the opposition, Harper also said his government has been trying to pass legislation to reform the Senate for years.

"The Senate status quo is not acceptable, Canadians want the Senate to change," Harper said.....

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