Monday, May 20, 2013

Qatar's stinking rich buying islands

Qatar is at the outset of grabbing many islands around the world,   little islands whose inhabitants are mostly dirt poor, mostly uneducated, mostly gullible, mostly innocent and mostly unaware of   conniving billionaire Muslims. These poor people think that if  a piece of their island or even their entire island is bought by some super rich dude, that dude is gonna be benevolent to them and they will prosper and their economy will improve only because some fat, rich slobs are throwing some bank notes at them.  This is how the rich Muslims are paving their way into parts other than their own and this is how the UK and other countries in the EU have been brought to their knees by the super rich dictators from the Muslim nations.  Right now, the unexpected boost to the economy of these islands, might seem to them to be like a God-send and they will love the Qataris for it.  This is how it has been happening around the world.  Small baby steps that ultimately walk into the corridors of power of the country they get a foothold in.  Qatar has become almost as dangerous as Saudi Arabia.

I wonder how many Muslim refugees from their usually war-torn countries Qatar takes in?   I bet not many if at all.  It will have a ready excuse for not doing so.  Qatar is a tiny little country compared to the others around it.  That's most probably the excuse Qatar will give the UN.... it's small size.   So, if Qatar has a neverending source of money, why not  accept Muslim refugees to populate the  islands they are buying?  Can we see Qatar's benevolence towards Muslim refugees from Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Burma and other nooks and corners of the world  ... or is Qatar's grandiosity only directed internally towards their own kin and their welfare?

Manfred Ertel writing at Spiegel:
....The sparsely inhabited Greek island of Ithaca is set for new growth after the Emir of Qatar bought some islands in the area.
Despite the country's crippling financial crisis, residents of the Greek island of Ithaca have found new hope after the Emir of Qatar bought a nearby island for his summer retreat. The purchase has sparked a rush on local real estate and could bring new development.....

....It seemed like a good deal at the time, but now he regrets selling Atokos. The emir has brought both hope and money back to the Ionian Sea. The Arab ruler reportedly paid €5 million for Oxeia, an uninhabited island near Ithaca. He also reportedly paid Grivas' sister, a homemaker in California, several million for five smaller islands, although the final transfer of title hasn't yet taken place......

....He apparently intends to build a private estate for his family on Oxeai, says Ithaca Mayor Ioannis Kassianos, although he doesn't know exactly what the estate will look like. But it will undoubtedly be grand, given that the emir has three wives and 24 children. Kassianos advises the man on whom he is now pinning his hopes to bring along plenty of patience. "Even if you are the emir of Qatar and are buying an island, the paperwork still takes 18 months," he says....

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