Monday, May 20, 2013

National Disgrace: Almost 7 Million in UK are government dependent ...

in other words...  Welfare,  Ghettos, Handouts, Dole, Benefits  and a mega stupid government responsible for overloading the burden on taxpayers by more Muslim immigrants who migrate to the West for the benefits, jihad and to drive in stakes holding them firmly planted for the coming Caliphate.

Anil Dawar writing at ExpressUK:
 ...Parts of Denbighshire, ­Birmingham, Blackburn, the Wirral, Lincolnshire and Essex top a league table of welfare blackspots, according to a report out today.

The Signed Off, Written Off report is by the Centre for Social Justice.

According to figures published by the thinktank – set up by Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith – Rhyl West in Denbighshire topped the league.

It has 67 per cent of all people aged between 16 and 64 on out-of-work benefits.

Second place went to Brandwood in Birmingham which has a 60 per cent rate. It is followed by Wensley Fold in Blackburn, Lancs, at 59 per cent and Birkenhead in the Wirral with 55 per cent.

When it comes to local authority spending on welfare per head of population, Sefton in Merseyside spent the most with an average of £6,279.

The report also revealed how deeply entrenched worklessness has become in some parts of the country with 50 jobseekers in Liverpool claiming benefits for at least 10 years, another 40 in Tower Hamlets, east London and 10 in Middlesbrough.

Christian Guy, of the Centre, said: “The welfare ghettos trapping as many as 6.8 million people are a national disgrace.........

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