
Sunday, May 5, 2013

More insanity from the Obama regime

Instead of controlling the unbridled immigration of Muslims into America because of obvious reasons,  the Obama regime is wooing those already inside to come even further into the very realms of  the government  and weave their strongest sticky webs. If this is not a clear example of a nation ripe for a fall, show me what is.

Ryan Mauro writing at ClarionProject:
Air Force Recruits Chaplains From MB Front Group.  The US Air Force paid the Islamic Society of North America, a Muslim Brotherhood front group, to advertise in their magazine to look for for military chaplains.

The U.S. Air Force has confirmed to The Clarion Project that it paid nearly $5,000 for advertisements in the magazine of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorism-financing trial that was also labeled a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity by the government. The Air Force said it would continue to consider paying ISNA for ads.

An advertisement for the U.S. Air Force Chaplain Corps is in the March-April issue of Islamic Horizons, ISNA’s magazine. asked the Air Force about the advertisement and included facts about ISNA. Air Force spokesperson Captain Lindsey Hahn responded:

"The Department of Defense does not endorse any one religion or religious organization, and provides free access of religion for all members of the military services.  The Department respects (and supports by its policy) the rights of others to their own religious beliefs, including the right to hold no beliefs. In order to recruit chaplains capable to provide for the diverse needs of Airmen and their families, Air Force chaplain recruiters advertise in a wide variety of religious organization publications......

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