
Friday, May 10, 2013

Canada's Muslim Immigrant population creating havoc in Canada and worldwide

For a country with approx. only 3% of the population  being followers of the cult of islam,  it might come as a surprise to some folks who are deaf, blind and delusional to boot, that such a small percentage, albeit a percentage which is rising rapidly and predicted to triple in a decade or two according to this National Post article, is capable of  committing crimes which outnumber the crimes  committed by at least 80% of  the Canadian population.  Now, try to imagine the kind of Canada you will get in a decade or two when that same murderous segment grows to 9% and more.

Adrienne Arsenault writing at CBC News:
At least one of the two Canadians  who took part in a deadly attack on an Algerian gas plant had worked at the facility, CBC News has learned.....

.....A CBC News investigation has learned that Medlej was briefly detained in Mauritania in the late fall of 2011, suspected of plotting an attack. He was briefly questioned, held for 40 days and released without charges. Those who interrogated Medlej found him to have no ill intent and no malice, but they seem to have seriously misread the young Canadian’s objective.

Sources at the jail in Nouakchott, the Mauritanian capital, say that as soon as Medlej was released in early 2012 he went to find work at the gas plant in Algeria, where he would be killed a year later.

It seems his role was to scout the facility. He then travelled to militant training camps in Mali to help draw up the plans of attack, sources say.....

....A team from CBC News spent a week attempting to retrace the steps of the three Canadians after they arrived in Mauritania.
t seems they made curious choices. Instead of staying at one of the well-known, inexpensive backpacker hotels popular with young travellers and students, they opted for a guesthouse in the centre of what police call a criminal hub.

It’s a neighbourhood that extremists are known to frequent, where the tension is palpable. It’s not the sort of place you find in a travel book, suggesting that someone may have guided them there.

The contacts that the trio made and the places they went all suggest someone was on hand to give them advice. Just who that person is counts among the many secrets the desert isn’t quite willing to give up yet.

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