Saturday, April 6, 2013

Something evil and highly dangerous is going on in London, Ontario

 It's the result of too many mosques in that part of Ontario.... nothing else.  The Liberal Party has totally ruined Ontario and buried it neck deep not only in enormous debt but also in pure, mad islamic hell.  All hail ex-Premier Dalton McGuinty.

Now we hear of yet another terrorist fuck from London.  This fuck converted from Christianity to Islam and as is the case with almost all converts to that cult, gets himself in trouble in Mauritania of all places, a country running rife with Al Qaeda-linked terrorist wannabes, where he of course becomes a member of one such group, is caught  by the authorities, sentenced and serving a prison term.

Now,  as happens with all these wayward Muslims caught between a rock and a hard place, the fuck is whining  that the Canadian govt. is not helping him get out of  the Mauritania jail.  Hah !!  That's a cue for the fucking gaggle of  traitorous lawyers sprinkled all over this land to rush to Mauritania on taxpayers' dime.   I would dearly love to see which MP(s)  from the commie party NDP or  from the Liberal gang come out  crying crocodile tears for this terrorist fuck.  Let's see their faces and hear their voices so we can identify the traitors not only in our populace but also within our government.

How come the parents of these idiots shower so much money on them that they are able to  afford expensive airfare to far away places?  Or did our banks push more credit cards on these terrorist wannabes?

Parents have to be extra wary when their children keep company with Muslim kids.  That's a sad fact of life nowadays.  At the risk of being labelled  racists by their own children, ( don't know if all those belonging to the cult of islam are to be considered a "race" or aliens from as yet undiscovered hellhole floating somewhere in the galaxies) parents will still have to deter them from mixing too much with the cult members.  From the three terrorists from London,  two were converts.  There's ample proof that one of the converts was influenced  by the Muslim guy.  What are the chances that the fuck sitting in the Mauritania jail was also influenced by the same guy?  100%.

From CBCNews:
Aaron Yoon, a London, Ont., man  who went overseas with two high school friends who later perished participating in a militant attack on an Algerian gas plant, has told CBC News he is shocked to hear his friends were killed.
Yoon, who is about 24, was arrested in Mauritania in December 2011 on charges of belonging to an illegal organization. He was sentenced to two years in prison in the summer of 2012...........
....Before his arrest, Yoon attended a religious school in Mauritania, reportedly with Americans and Europeans, studying the Qur'an. Yoon, was raised a Catholic, but converted to Islam a year before graduating from London South Secondary School.
Speaking by cellphone with the CBC's Adrienne Arsenault, Yoon said he didn't know Medlej and Katsiroubas had been killed, saying that he lost touch with them about two years ago......
.....“I’ve been in prison for a year … almost two years now and I don't see any help from the Canadian government.
“I have been wrongfully accused, I’ve been beat up and tortured. I’m still sick and I still don’t see any medical attention yet," he said.
Yoon said he didn't know why he was arrested and sent to prison, maintaining he had no involvement with militants..........

From NationalPost:
How three Canadians graduated  from a rebellious high school friendship to the world of Islamist terrorism in North Africa.
The distressed family of Ali Medlej explained the unexpected death of their son by saying he was killed in a car accident. The truth, as they — and the world — now knows, is more ghastly and perplexing: The young London man died perpetrating January’s terrorist attack on an Algerian gas plant.
The violent end of Ali Medlej, along with Xristos Katsiroubas, his chum from school whom he helped convert to Islam, came not in a car, but in the North African desert in an attack that left 37 hostages dead, most of them incinerated in an explosion that likely also purposely killed the Canadian attackers.
That was their startling end.
Now everyone, even those close to the young men, wonder where their dark odyssey began.................

1 comment:

  1. You don't know the half of it. A family of 4 kids known to me and previously residents of London moved away to the East Coast because of the bad situation there.
    The York region (east?) you wrote on last week? must be an angelic town compared to London.


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