Friday, April 5, 2013

Paging Office of Religious Freedom, Canada.....Marxist swine in Colombia behaving like headchoppers from the Muslim world

Dear ORF ... What's the world come to if even in supposedly Christian countries like Colombia,  Christians are persecuted and killed because of their faith.  Leftists are killing Christians in Colombia. Unbelievable the
stuff going on in Colombia and I won't be surprised if the usual suspects from the Middle East are also embedded with the Marxist drug gangs running wild in Colombia and continuing their war relentlessly against the Colombian government, a conflict that's been going on for decades.

Why is NATO not able to go to the aid of  the Colombian govt. and defeat these animals once and for all ?  No oil in Colombia worth fighting for???  USA can go to the other side of the world to wage wars, but can't go to the aid  of a Christian country so near to home?  Shame !!!

From OpenDoorsUSA:
Paula Lopez* still doesn't know which illegal armed group promised death to her brother Pablo,* a pastor, if he didn't flee Cordoba. Nor does she know why. But after Pablo fled, the church appointed Julian Rivera*, a lay leader from within the congregation, to replace him as pastor.
A week later on Sept. 22, Paula and Pablo's mother found Julian Rivera's body dumped on the doorstep of her home.
Narcotraffickers and at least six bands of violent groups are engaged in an ongoing bloody struggle to control the war-ravaged department of Cordoba, on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Much of the population -- including Paula and now her brother -- has been forced from homes, lands and livelihoods because of the violence.
The region's majority indigenous and African Colombians suffer the brunt of displacement, poverty, hunger, lack of access to schools and forced recruitment into one of the armed groups. The main targets of forcible recruitment are children, many of whom are 8, 9 and 10 years old, and sometimes younger. Amid hunger, illiteracy and lack of access to medical care, life is fraught with other brutal perils that directly affect everybody, including believers.
And while the gospel has made strong inroads amid the conflict, that same conflict impedes the growth of the church. Armed groups forbid churches from meeting at night, often imposing curfews. The lack of Bible training for pastors and lay leaders, combined with the danger inherent in publicly standing for Christ, has caused the church in this region to nearly collapse.
*Names changed for security reasons.

From BarnabasFundOrg:
....Henry Rodriguez, a Christian pastor   in Bogota, was leaving his church after a Sunday afternoon service when he was shot dead by two men on a moped. His murder in September 2012 is thought to have been carried out by professional hit-men. Tragically, scenes such as this are common in Colombia. It is estimated that approximately 20 to 30 church leaders are assassinated each year, and around 200 churches have been forcibly closed down.
Although the majority of Colombia’s population describe themselves as Christian and the government offi cially protects religious freedom, Christians are greatly at risk there. Many areas of the country are controlled by paramilitary or armed guerrilla groups. In these places, Christian leaders are routinely victims of murder, kidnapping, threats and extortion. Pastors are often targeted for their refusal to support a gang’s activities, or for their work to support the downtrodden and displaced. Speaking out against the forced recruitment of children, human rights abuses, and the cultivation of the raw material used to produce cocaine also puts them at risk.

Entire Christian communities have been displaced because their Christian lifestyle is at odds with the beliefs of leftist or extreme right-wing paramilitaries. If orders to cease Christian activity are resisted, lives are endangered and communities are forced to flee. Amerindians who become Christians also face harassment from their indigenous leaders, who may try by various methods to force them to reconvert. The state does little to help those who are persecuted or banished from their lands.

From TheBlaze:
... The first 11 countries listed are all labeled “extreme” in terms of the level of persecution that Christians within their boundaries encounter. Once again, North Korea captured the organization’s top spot, with Open Doors providing the following description of the dire conditions there: 
For the eleventh year running, this is the most difficult place on earth to be a Christian. One of the remaining Communist states, it is vehemently opposed to religion of any kind. Christians are classified as hostile and face arrest, detention, torture, even public execution. There is a system of labour camps including the renowned prison No. 15, which reportedly houses 6,000 Christians alone. But despite severe oppression, there is a growing underground church movement of an estimated 400,000 Christians.
Here’s the list of the 11 most Christian unfriendly countries:

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