Saturday, January 12, 2013

Yawn Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ....Sudanaese Christians and mountain tribes being slaughtered by Muslims ....... so boring, me so sleepy now

You know what wakes up the MSM and our politicians and the world at large and gets everybody dancing the jig on red, hot coals?  Muslims killing Muslims in Muslim lands.  Yup ... that wakes up the leaders and the MSM of the Western world  ... and wakes up their dead uncles too.  However, any talk about dead Christians?  Yawn  zzzzzzzz snooze snore.

Kudos to George Clooney for trying to get the "oil, oil, can only see oil and Saudi Arabia" dhimmi multitude turn their eyes to what the Sudanese govt. is doing in revenge for the breakaway of the Christian south Sudan.

In the video below there's a graphic image at approx. 1.20 to 1.30 mark...don't watch if you are squeamish or give an "off focus" look like I usually do when confronted with such images.

From BaptistNews:
JUBA, South Sudan (BP) -- Heightened religious persecution  in Sudan includes government bombings killing at least 11 Christians and the arrest of two Coptic Orthodox priests for baptizing a convert from Islam, Morning Star News has reported.

The Sudanese government dropped numerous bombs in multiple Christian villages in the last days of 2012, killing young and old, wounding others and decimating property, according to reports by Morning Star News, a California-based nonprofit media outlet founded last year to report on persecution of Christians worldwide.

The attacks reportedly left ethnic Nuba Christians questioning the international community's presumed silence over the persecution in the country's Nuba Mountains.

Since South Sudan split from Sudan in 2011, ethnic Nuba in Sudan's South Kordofan state believe the Khartoum government is trying to rid the region of non-Arab peoples and Christianity, under the guise of quashing Sudan People's Liberation Army-North rebels, Morning Star News reported.

From ChrisitianSolidarityWorldwide:
Today marks the second anniversary  of the delayed referendum on the future of Abyei, the oil-rich region that is an ongoing source of dispute between Sudan and South Sudan.

According to the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), which ended Sudan’s decades-long civil war, a referendum on self determination to allow the people of Abyei to determine whether they would stay part of Sudan or join South Sudan was meant to have occurred in tandem with South Sudan’s own plebiscite on independence, which took place on 9 January 2011. However, it was postponed due to ongoing disagreements between Khartoum and South Sudan over voter eligibility.

The nomadic Arab Misseriya tribe, which has access to certain pasture-lands in Abyei for part of each year, wish to be accorded full voting rights in the referendum.  However, according to the Abyei Protocol and a subsequent ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration, only the Ngok Dinka tribe and permanent residents may vote.

The Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) overran Abyei Town in May 2011, displacing over 20,000 people. In August 2012, both the SAF and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) fully withdrew from the area, allowing Abyei residents to return and begin rebuilding their lives.

During talks mediated by the African Union on 5 January 2013, President Omar Al-Bashir of Sudan and President Salva Kirr of South Sudan agreed to the establishment of the Abyei Administration Area, the Abyei Area Council and the Abyei Area Police Service, which are key to the implementation of the referendum ahead of the AU’s proposed date of October 2013. Although no agreement has been reached on voter eligibility, earlier this week Misseriya leaders issued a statement announcing their intention to move into Abyei for the duration of 2013 in order to participate in the referendum. However, an Abyei elder who spoke to Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) insisted that only people who reside permanently in the Abyei Area and the Ngok Dinka people should be allowed to vote.....

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