Saturday, January 12, 2013

Canada's #1 terrorist family member Zaynab Khadr's third husband disappears with new wife in some corner of hell

Correction to the title above:  Canada's #1 terrorist family member Zaynab Khadr's fourth husband disappears with new wife in some corner of hell.
(Wonder what she's got under that  black sack?)

Anything  evil and everything bad is possible with each and every member of the Khadr family.  If tomorrow I read a headline saying "Zaynab Khadr involved in ex-husband's disappearance"  you are not gonna see a shift in my eyebrows.

First and above all, the dumbo who married Zaynab Khadr must be some special kind of a dumbo for not only marrying her in the first place but secondly to take his new wife to dangerous Muslim lands.  What am I saying ... silly me.  Let's not forget that the dumb fuck has proven to everybody that he likes muslim women in burkhas ... his penchant for such females is so addictive that he takes his new wife to lands where he can see a lot of black sacks  waddling around him.  Ugh ... what a disgusting horrid piece of shit....and what kind of a Christian woman would marry a man who  has been discarded  by the loathsome Zaynab Khadr??

The only people I feel a twinge of sympathy for,  are the parents of the American girl.  Kids make mistakes and parents have to suffer.  I don't understand the reason behind the Coleman couple wishing to keep their lousy son-in-law's last name a secret. Duh. Did they think they could get away with it or did his parents (his father is a judge of some kind in Ontario) want them to keep it a secret.  I bet they are ashamed of the fact that he was married to a muslim from one of the vilest  families in Canada (I am thinking of  the Colemans here)  ... Canadian liberals are devoid of any shame, I am willing to bet that Boyle's parents were proud of their muslim daughter-in-law.

Michelle Shephard and Jessica McDiarmid at TorontoStar:
....Canadians may remember Boyle  as the former husband of Zaynab Khadr, the once outspoken sister of Omar Khadr who spent a decade in Guantanamo Bay before his transfer to Canadian custody this fall.....

From NYDailyNews and AP
KABUL - The family of an ailing, pregnant American woman  missing in Afghanistan with her Canadian husband has broken months of silence over the mysterious case, making public appeals for the couple's safe return.

James Coleman, the father of 27-year-old Caitlan Coleman, told The Associated Press over the weekend that she was due to deliver in January and needed urgent medical attention for a liver ailment that required regular checkups. He said he and his wife, Lyn, last heard from their son-in-law Josh on Oct. 8 from an Internet cafe in what he described as an "unsafe" part of Afghanistan. The Colemans asked that Josh be identified by his first name only to protect his privacy.

The couple had embarked on a journey last July that took them to Russia, the central Asian countries of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, and then finally to Afghanistan.

Neither the Taliban nor any other militant group has claimed it is holding the couple, leading some to believe they were kidnapped. But no ransom demand has been made.

An Afghan official said their trail has gone dead...

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