Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Wanna know what's going on in the hellholes our leaders tell us are our "allies" ?

The MSM not gonna tell you nothing.  They  are all compromised.  FoxNews has gone to the other side, only its shell remains.  NYTimes was lost long ago and so too every newspaper company trading on the stock exchanges ... whether those companies are American, Canadian, British or Australian .... every single one reports with one eye closed and one hand tied behind their back.  The Arabs have been buying stock in the  available print media for decades and they have successfully managed to place their own insiders on each and every BOD of each and every organization.  The only voice of any dissent is to be found on the internet.....at least for now until taken away.

Saudi Arabia:
Saudi authorities have ordered shops employing both men and women to build separation walls to enforce the strict segregation laws of the ultra-conservative kingdom, local press reported on Monday.
Labour minister Adel Faqih issued the order which also had the stamp of Abdul Latif Al Shaikh, the head of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, commonly known as Mutawa and religious police, several dailies reported.
The order stipulated that a separation barrier, not shorter than 1.6 metres, should be erected to divide working men and women......

The Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) expresses grave concern   over the continued use of excessive force to restrict and attack freedom of expression and assembly in Bahrain despite announced plans by the regime for political dialogue. 
On 25 January 2013, hundreds of Bahrainis took to the streets in the capital city of Manama and peacefully protested demanding their rights, including the right to self-determination. The Ministry of Interior set up security checkpoints and road blocks on streets leading to the capital to restrict access.
Despite these restrictions, people managed to get into Manama, and upon arrival, were violently attacked by a large number of security forces with tear gas and stun grenades, which also impacted people passing by and the shop keepers in the old market. Tear gas was shot from close distance at people in the narrow allies of Manama, which were crowded with protesters and shoppers. 
The Ministry of Interior called the protest “illegal” in a statement, criminalizing freedom of assembly, at a time when Bahraini law only requires a notification rather than authorization for rallies.....

 ....On 16 January the appeal court handed down prison sentences to eight writers and bloggers for lèse-majesté and cyber crimes: 

- Esmaeel Al-Miqbali, received a one-and-a-half year sentence. He is held in detention. 
- Hassan Al-Roqaishi received a one-and-a-half year sentence. He is held in detention. 
- Eshaq Al-Aghbari, received a one-year sentence. He has been released. 
- Ali al-Hajji had his sentence reduced from 18 months to one year. He is held in Samail central prison. 
- Mahmoud Al-Jamodi was given a one-and-a-half year sentence. He is held in detention. 
- Mukhtar Al-Hinai received a one-year sentence and a fine of 1,000 rials (1,950 euros). He is held in detention. 

The appeal court also upheld the sentences on three other bloggers and activists, each of whom received a one-year prison term and a fine of 1,000 rials. All are held in detention : Ahmed Al-Maamari, Awad Al-Sawafi and Osama Al-Thuwaiya. .....

UAE accuses 94 Emiratis of conspiring to sieze power    28 January 2013 - Today, the human rights record of the United Arab Emirates will be reviewed by the UN Human Rights Council as the situation in the country continues to deteriorate. On this occasion, the undersigned organisations call on Human Rights Council member-states to urge the United Arab Emirates to put an end to the current crackdown against peaceful human rights defenders and political activists and to honour its commitments as a newly elected member of the Human Rights Council to “uphold[s] the highest standards in the promotion and protection of human rights” (UN General Assembly resolution 50/251 para. 9). 
Ongoing crackdown on freedom of expression: detention, torture, smear campaign & attacks on peaceful activists .................

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