Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Osoyoos .... enchantment awaits !

After watching Ezra Levant's interview with the extremely successful Indian Chief Clarence Louie of Osoyoos, I was struck with intense curiosity to read up on the chief and on Osoyoos.  I love success stories.

More than two years ago I had posted some gorgeous pics of "spotted" lakes, many of which are found in Osoyoos, but had forgotten about them soon after until Ezra's episode with the Osoyoos chief.

So, where exactly is Osoyoos? At the gateway to the Okanagan and Similkameen Valley lies Canada's only desert, and the delightful lakeside town of Osoyoos.  Go to the junction of Highway 97 and Highway 3 at the southern tip of the Okanagan Valley - Osoyoos is 2 kilometres away from the Canada - U.S. border, and shares Osoyoos Lake with Washington State.  The Unity Rider statue at the entrance to Osoyoos symbolizes the essence of this community - Coming Together.  In face, the name Osoyoos derives from an Okanagan First Nations word that describes "the narrows" or the coming together of two lakes.

What kind of stuff do the    numerous resorts offer?

I found the above at this Osoyoos blogger's site.

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