Thursday, January 24, 2013

Terrorists, either imported or funded by the Judeo-Christian nations, wreak havoc everywhere

 The facts speak for themselves.  Take the time to read the very interesting article and watch the documentary.

David Barrett writing at TheTelegraphUK:
.....Both were arrested in 2006  as they were heading to Syria. The pair claimed they were going there to study Arabic but MI5 believed they were intending to take part in extremist activities, or travel on to Iraq to fight Western forces there.
The Adam brothers were placed under control orders - a strict version of house arrest - because MI5 asserted there were “reasonable grounds to suspect that they were intending to engage in terrorism-related activities”.
Then in, May 2007, they absconded.
Scotland Yard warned the public not to approach the brothers and mounted a full scale operation to track them down - to no avail.
Ibrahim was killed in US drone strikes against suspected militants in Pakistan’s tribal belt in 2011.
Six-foot tall Lamine was described as “dangerous” when he went on the run by John Reid, the then home secretary. Now aged 32, his current whereabouts are unknown. The extent or nature of his danger was never made public.
Shortly before they absconded a third brother, who changed his name from Rahman to Anthony Garcia while pursuing an abortive career as a male model, was jailed for life after being found guilty at the Old Bailey of playing a key role in a 2003 plot to blow up Bluewater shopping centre in Kent or the Ministry of Sound nightclub in London......

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