Thursday, January 24, 2013

Latest interview with Mother Agnès-Mariam on the Syrian situation

I haven't listened to the entire video but whatever  the nun talks about here I will take for the truth and nothing but the truth.

LPAC-TV conducted an interview with Mother Agnès-Mariam  of the Monastery of St. James the Mutilated in Syria on Jan. 9, which is now on the LPAC website. Mother Agnès- Mariam has recently been on an international tour to bring to the attention of the world that what is taking place in Syria is not what is being reported in the mainstream press.
In the LPAC-TV interview, Mother Agnès-Mariam discussed her observation early on, of the split toward sectarianism highlighting a trip she made to Homs during the spring of 2011. The trip, made with a group of European reporters, revealed that the demonstrations were not peaceful but composed of "unknown or unidentified armed gangs shooting and aggressing both the security forces and the demonstrators."

She described this element as a fifth column in the Syrian conflict using the example of the war in her home country, Lebanon, which started in 1975 and is still putting pressure on the region.

" So we know you can engineer a war, you put the elements that will encourage a sectarian conflict that will encourage a civil war etc. ... I have to tell you really, honestly we are seeing until today, the fabrication, the manufacturing in Syria of an artificial war that is rooted on a real struggle, but [if] it would have been left alone, it would never ever give birth to such horrors. That's why I say that the Syrian people are abducted by unnamed powers ... to deprive them of any stability of any peace, under the title of a legitimate revolution."

In regard to those entering the conflict from abroad, she says, "they are Al Qaeda members, they are Jabhat al-Nusra members, they are Salafists and Wahhabists it means extremists. They come and they say ... we are not fighting for freedom or for democracy, we are fighting for Islam, but their Islam is not the moderate Islam of our sister[s] and brother[s], we [have lived] with them in the Orient since the 13th century. We are victims of an instrumentalization of religion, and those people they are achieving an agenda which is unknown, but in reality this agenda [is] neither about the security of the civilian population, neither about human rights, neither about children neither about women, it is something very, very dark and ominous."........

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