Sunday, January 27, 2013

How the non-existent Agent-15 comes in handy for warmongers every single time

Once again,  I am glad that Obama is reluctant to take drastic action against the Assad regime.  In my books that a mighty PLUS for the democratic president.  The way things are in the Syria of today,  the guys coming up smelling less nasty are those with Assad and if any poisonous gas is used, it will likely be coming from the alluhu akbars Al Qaeda linked gangs armed to the teeth with the most sophisticated weapons supplied by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey which these countries  have procured  from USA, UK and others.

Jeffrey Lewis writing at ForeignPolicy:
....Since the government of Syria's   Bashar al-Assad began to totter, the nonproliferation community has been waiting to see if he will unleash what is believed to be a large stockpile of chemical weapons, including VX, sarin, and mustard gas. The possibility that Assad might use chemical weapons is widely regarded as a possible trigger for U.S. intervention. In December, President Obama warned Assad of "consequences" in the event Syria used its chemical weapons. A few days earlier, Hillary Clinton warned that the United States was "certainly planning to take action" in the event of "credible evidence that the Assad regime has resorted to using chemical weapons against their own people."
The implication, obviously, is that the "compelling case" is the "credible evidence" that should prompt Washington to rethink its policy limiting itself to "non-lethal" aid to Syrian opposition forces and take action. A reconsideration might be in order, though not for the reason you think.

For starters, somehow, no one has bothered to mention that Agent 15 doesn't exist.

Yep. Agent 15 is one of the bogus bits of intelligence that helped make the case for invading Iraq. Like many good fish stories, this one has a kernel of truth. A single document found by U.N. inspectors (at the infamous Chicken Farm, if you must know) mentioned something called "Agent 15." UNSCOM and others believed Agent 15 was a glycollate, related to laboratory experiments that Iraq admitted to with chemically similar incapacitants usually referred to as BZ or "buzz." But Iraq never produced BZ, Agent 15, or similar incapacitants.......

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