Sunday, January 27, 2013

Great News .... Our ally Qatar plays whore to the Taliban

How lovely, how beautiful !!   The savages killing our soldiers in Afghanistan are now harbored by our ally.  What a wonderful world !!!!

In other news, rumors of an uprising in Qatar are on the increase.  Glory be .... if true... but I fear nothing much will happen to topple the regime because it is protected by the UK just as Saudi Arabia is protected by the USA.

.....A number of high-ranking Taliban members   have arrived in Doha to continue efforts to open a liaison office for the group, Qatari newspaper Gulf Times reported Sunday.

Afghan officials said they are working on opening the office for insurgent representatives to facilitate the peace process.

"We hope to open an office for the Taliban once the US and Qatar agree on the matter, and we hope to witness direct talks with the group," said Janan Moosazai, ministry of foreign affairs spokesperson.

The High Peace Council said the presence of the group's officials in Qatar indicates the insurgents' inclination to hold talks with the Afghan government.

"The presence of Taliban members in Qatar -- we hope it's their top officials -- shows the group's agreement for opening an office for advancing peace talks with the government of Afghanistan," said Mohammad Ismail Qasemyar, international affairs adviser and member of the High Peace Council.

The Taliban have so far rejected talking to the Afghan government, and there is no date set for the opening of the liaison office.

Last Updated on Sunday, 27 January 2013 19:25...........

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