Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The story of the Afghan girl whose nose was cut off ...

by her husband.  The ever generous America has given her a new life.  Let's hope she will be eternally grateful ... unlike others coming from that part of the world who are known to bite the hand that rescued them from hell.

 ....Brave Time cover girl whose Afghan husband    sliced off her nose pictured enjoying her new life in America as she reveals she's 'not scared to look in the mirror anymore'

A young woman who was brutally tortured in Afghanistan by her husband after she tried to escape their abusive forced marriage is on the road to recovery as doctors continue to rebuild her face.

Aesha Mohammadzai, who believes she is 21 or 22, moved to the U.S. two years ago after fleeing the war-torn country and is now six months into her surgery at a hospital in Bethesda, Maryland.

As part of the life-changing treatment, her forehead has ballooned and dark, drooping flesh now covers where her nose once was - before her husband sliced it off.

Yet Aesha, who has never attended school or celebrated her birthday, has insisted that she is no longer scared to look at herself in the mirror, as her treatment reaches the halfway stage.....

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