Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gang rape of medical student in moving bus

The government of  India is as corrupt as the governments of countries around it.  Indians are already voicing their frustration that the six rapists of the 23 year old medical student will go unpunished because the private bus she was travelling in with her male companion (who was beaten up badly before being thrown off the bus) is probably owned by a relative of a politician or owned by a politician.  Licences to these private bus companies are handed out by the powers-that-be to those who are in cahoots with the powers-that-be.   The medical student's condition is reported to be critical and if she dies from her injuries ... then it's probably death by hanging for  all  six rapists.... if that  law actually works in the corrupt India.

While protests are ongoing all over India because of  this incident,  there were several cases of  unrelated gang rapes and deaths of women in India which magnifies how  violence against women goes unchecked in that country.... just like in any Muslim country.  Not much of a difference living in a Hindu "democracy".

According to this report four of the rapists have been arrested   ... Bus driver Ram Singh, his brother Mukesh, Vinay Sharma a gym instructor, Pawan Gupta - a fruit seller.  Two others are on the run.

 ....NEW DELHI - The hours-long gang-rape  and near-fatal beating of a 23-year-old student on a bus in New Delhi triggered outrage and anger across the country Wednesday as Indians demanded action from authorities who have long ignored persistent violence and harassment against women.
In the streets and in Parliament, calls rose for stringent and swift punishment against those attacking women, including a proposal to make rapists eligible for the death penalty. As the calls for action grew louder, two more gang-rapes were reported, including one in which the 10-year-old victim was killed.
"I feel it is sick what is happening across the country. . It is totally sick, and it needs to stop," said Smitha, a 32-year-old protester who goes by only one name.

Thousands of demonstrators clogged the streets in front of New Delhi's police headquarters, protested near Parliament and rallied outside a major university. Angry university students set up roadblocks across the city, causing massive traffic jams.
Hundreds rallied outside the home of the city's top elected official before police dispersed them with water cannons, a move that earned further condemnation from opposition leaders, who accused the government of being insensitive.
"We want to jolt people awake from the cozy comfort of their cars. We want people to feel the pain of what women go through every day," said Aditi Roy, a Delhi University student.

As protests raged in cities across India, at least two girls were gang-raped, with one of them killed.
Police on Wednesday fished out the body of a 10-year old girl from a canal in Bihar state's Saharsa district. Police superintendent Ajit Kumar Satyarthi said the girl had been gang-raped and killed and her body dumped in the canal. Police were investigating and a breakthrough was expected soon, Satyarthi said.
Elsewhere, a 14 -year old schoolgirl was in critical condition in Banka district of Bihar after she was raped by four men, said Jyoti Kumar, the district education officer..........

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