Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Terrorists in the employ of Judeo-Christian nations kill 28 school kids and their teacher

How lovely, how beautiful !!   Will the Judeo-Christian nations raise the salaries of the terrorists involved and promote them to A+ Terrorists?  Killing school kids should warrant some sort of special medals ... wouldn't you say?  Will they pat them on the back and say "job well done"??   In our topsy-turvy world, don't be surprised if that is exactly what's going on even as we speak.
....At least 28 students and a teacher  were killed when a shell hit a school outside the Syrian capital, Damascus, state media and activists say.The official Sana news agency said the Batiha school in the al-Wafidin camp, about 20km (15 miles) north-east of the capital, was hit by rebel mortar fire.However, the rebels blamed government forces for the deaths.Fighting around Damascus has recently intensified, with a BBC correspondent saying the city is coming under siege.Troops have been attempting to push back rebels from eastern parts of the countryside around the capital, known locally as the Ghouta.The Wafidin camp is home to about 25,000 people displaced from the Golan Heights, which were captured by Israel during the 1967 war."It's a terrorist attack on educational institutions and on students," Hassan Mohsen, head of the Quneitra education department, told the Associated Press. Quneitra is in a Syrian-controlled part of the Golan Heights.....
If you are wondering how the Judeo-Christian terrorist employees managed to get hold of superior weapons,   this should  answer that.   

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