Tuesday, December 4, 2012

CBC ... as usual spinning stuff that the immigrant community vomits on at every opportunity

Just have a look at  this headline at CBC NewsPolitics:
"Political Traction: Rob Ford support fading fast"   Jamie Watt joins Power & Politics host Evan Solomon each week to look at how issues making waves in Ottawa resonate with Canadians.....
....Ford's support is eroding quickly, even among his core constituency, Watt said. Canadians aren't complaining that the judge went too far in the conflict-of-interest case against Ford.
Instead, the public feels the mayor simply broke the rules. Ford needs to start acting like a mayor if wants to keep his job, said Watt — Ford's current approach is not working.....
Now, do you wanna know who Jamie Watt happens to be?   Remember George Smitherman, the failed candidate who lost by more than 90,000 votes to Mayor Rob Ford in the mayoral race in 2010?  Well ... surprise, surprise .... Jamie Watt, according to the commie Toronto Star, was "Others include Jamie Watt, a strategist and senior Smitherman campaign adviser." 


No conspiracy to turf  Rob Ford from office   .... none whatsoever.  No sirreeeee.  No, no, no.   We the immigrants of this city are all babes in the woods, woods controlled by these fucking lefties .... or at least that's what they think we are .... because you see we are not as articulate or as good as them in the English language.  Fucking bastards !!!

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