Monday, December 3, 2012

Saudi Arabia training Pakistani kids to become jihadis ...

by flooding religious schools known as "madrasas" with billions of  dollars.  Wahhabism, the strict madness unequalled to other "lax" madness of  Islam,  is the sole tuition taught in these schools and Saudi Arabia is the culprit orchestrating the killing of not only the Shia community     but also of the other milder Muslim religious sects along with  the persecution of the Christian and Hindu communities.  All this going on in Pakistan but it solicits only yawns from the Western press ... because Shias or Shiites are like Iranis ... and as Iran is our enemy of choice these day, it's perfectly ok that a genocide of  Iran-like Muslims is being committed in Pakistan.   Yawn ..........Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  Ethnic cleansing is so boring.  Yawn......zzzzzzzz

This vids below shows  the Sunnis attacking the vehicles the Shias were travelling in on their way to a pilgrimage.  There are lots of gruesome videos of actual killings which I am not embedding here but to prove my point you can have a look at the search results here.

The second vid will show you how ethnic cleansing is going on in Pakistan of not only non-Sunni Muslims but also of Pakistani Hindus.  I have not included all the vids on Christian persecution I found on YouTube.  Just too depressing.

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