Monday, December 3, 2012

PART FIVE: More on the unelected Injustice Charles Hackland, a man probably suffering from dementia but still having the power to disenfranchise 383501 Torontonians who voted for Rob Ford to be their mayor. This is Canada ...the eternal Comedy Central

In other news, I believe the widowed Olivia Chow has been setting ablaze hearts of  rich old lefty bastards who depend on Viagra to reassure them that they still have some remnants of  what once was, in their dirty old pants.  Some have  been contributing 1000s of dollars to the NDP hoping they will be able to cop a feel  of Ms Chow's chow and chow chows.

This pic is being carried around     in the wallets of the rich lefty bastards, known or unknown to their wives and lovers, be they men or women.... or maybe the wives or lovers of the rich lefty bastards are bitches themselves who are also dreaming of  chowing on Ms Chow in a three-some. With the depraved side of the Left, anything unnatural is to be looked on as something that comes naturally to them.

With  Ms Chow as a dream of a mayor,  the entire city can chow down on anybody and everything in sight....even dead people, because necrophilia.... someone like Clayton Ruby would be able to argue successfully ....   "if no rights have been violated, how could the law possibly legislate against consensual necrophilia?" and judges like Charles Hackland would readily agree with him.

Terence Corcoran writing at NationalPost:
...Clayton Ruby won’t succeed   in bringing down Pharaoh Ford despite apparent Toronto Spring uprising,
I hate to dump on the Toronto Spring, but I predict that the overthrow of Mayor Rob Ford will not happen, regardless of the judge’s post-decision decision to allow a byelection. There will not even be a byelection. The swarming mob we’ve seen daily for weeks now, running an imaginary Tahrir Square revolt against Mr. Ford, will soon be forced to disperse.
They have no case and no just cause beyond their own ideological delirium — these fantasy rock throwers, the usual collection of leftists and waffly centrists, cringing sophisticates, downtown Liberals, Toronto Star columnists, CBC reporters, Ryerson academics and would-be mayoral candidates who would like to maintain the old quasi-corrupt ways that have long dominated Toronto city government.
Thanks almost exclusively to the manipulations of old-time radical chic lawyer Clayton Ruby, the city of Toronto along with the entire nation have been convulsed into a form of mass hysteria. Almost singlehandedly, Mr. Ruby — who has a long history of leftist activism and extreme advocacy — has turned a couple of insignificant bits of Toronto council procedure into what seems like a matter of highest democratic principle.
How extreme does Mr. Ruby like to get?...........

.....Comparing Toronto’s Rob Ford to Egypt’s Mohammed Morsi Isa El-Ayyat seems a little unhinged as political analysis, even for the likes of Mr. Ruby, unless one were writing satire. On the other hand, it is clear that downtown establishmentarian Torontonians see bringing down Pharaoh Ford — if they can pull it off — as some kind of Toronto Spring.
It won’t work, in my view.....

.....Rob Ford is the nearest Toronto has come in recent years to having a straight-shooting shit-disturber at city hall, someone who tends not to play along with the ingrown culture of municipal governance that has dominated Toronto politics for decades.....

Comments to the article, probably from voters whose votes were burnt to ashes by the unelected Injustice Charles Hackland.

Bella38Deplorable plotting by the NDP. Who would have thought they would bring such shame upon themselves? You are supposed to win office through credible campaigning and a show of fiscal responsibility, not with a cast of characters that could be part of a fictional story. 
Master of my Domain  in reply to  truthurts
The same hyperbole as Clayton Ruby stating this victory was necessary to prevent the same result as Egypt. 
This was a press conference waiting to happen and the judge knew that. 
He could have found no wrongdoing, the mayor had no personal interest in the charity outside of a charitable benefit. He could have found the amount insignificant as it was for the charity.
The judge had many options and chose a sensationalistic one, which he later watered down when he realized the expected fanfare not only did not materialize but actually it resulted in the opposite result. 
This was the point, not that democracy was necessary but that even if the old law had validity, it was improperly applied. This was not a conflict of interest where a RE deal benefited a family company. 
As noted, Clayton Ruby, the man so interested in maintaining law and order, was the same lawyer behind a weak libel suit where the only intention was to delay an investigation into the Boardwalk restaurant license beyond a point of cancellation (no different than the tactics used by Matty Moroun to delay construction of the new Detroit Windsor bridge). Would you like to see Ruby's ability to practice law suspended for this type of behaviour? 
Whether you like Ford or not, justifying this action as anything other than a cheap attempt to kick him out of office is deluding yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Stay calm Marie girl. tHis travesty will be set right. The judge only subscribes to the Marxist Star looks like and was fooled with which way the wind blows.


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