Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Why the weakened Republicans are losing elections and will continue doing so

This is why, in my humble opinion:

Their nominees for the presidential race are always super rich millionaires or billionaires.  They just don't connect with the 70%+ of the ordinary Mary, Joe, Harry, Jane voters.

They are just too fucking religious.  Belief is fine.  Just acknowledge that Jesus is the founder of a great religion and call it quits there without forever taking the name of the Lord at every opportunity just so to make it look  like you are a great Christian or whatever.

They don't understand the concept of  Pro-Choice and the women in the party have not done their part to explain to the men why  being Pro-choice matters to 70%+ independent-minded women.  Women do not want anyone to tell them what they can do to their bodies and when and how they can do it.  Abortion is wrong, more wrong if the taxpayers have to fund it ... but that still does not make being Pro-choice wrong.
Republicans just don't get it and never will.

Republicans like going to wars.  Americans are fed up with the disastrous forays in Muslim lands.  In the last four years they have seen how Obama was not provoked to send in troops to additional foreign lands other than the messes created in Iraq and Afghanistan. A large segment of the population are by now very wise to how Bush lied and Americans died in Iraq.  Americans seem to prefer "leading from  behind" if it means less carnage and loss of American lives.

Above all, the reason why Republicans lost, IMHO,  is because the Democrats always run a good, effective campaign... they don't care about slandering, lying, whatever.  The Republicans are held back by their "holier than thou" attitude and their religious background and upbringing.

Yesterdays results were what I was expecting anyway ... but not the runaway sweeps that Obama collected from all over the USA.  That was a shock.

My biggest disappointment is that Allen West might lose,  even after a recount.  He's one of my  favorites from the Tea Party patriots.

IMHO, what should now happen is:
The Tea Party folks should start planning for 2016.  A third political party is desperately needed in the USA and the TP folks should  seriously think about organizing one and divorcing themselves from the Republicans.  Just like the Liberal party of Canada, the Republicans have had their day.  They are finished.  

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