Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Freedom of Speech and Thought in Canada gets hammered by the Canadian-Jewish community

The world is going to hell in a hand-basket ... Canada included.

Something is very wrong with a segment of  the Canadian-Jewish community.  They don't know whether they prefer to live in a democracy which values freedom of speech and individual thoughts and opinions or whether to label  anything they don't like said about themselves as "hate speech".

Instead of going after bloggers, it would have served the Jewish community in Canada and the world over if the same energies used to charge the BC blogger Arthur Topham, were expended in an explanation of   this (many videos found on YouTube on this same scene)  like  this   Canadian-Jewish blogger has done  or given an explanation for   the horrific pic in this article.

It's when fair-minded people see how certain individuals trample on our rights in Canada, (it does not matter who the  recipient of the injustice happens to be... ethnicity, religion, class and color does not matter) that certain questions are asked of those who show intolerance towards people like Topham the individuals who thought it was justified to file a complaint against  the blogger  of   Radical Press. I am willing to bet my last dime that that website will now attract more anti-Semites than ever before because of the foolish moves from B'nai Brith  and Richard Warman.

Curtailing the blogger's freedom of speech is not the right way to go.  Those who have done this to him are doing more harm to the reputation of Israel and the Jewish community than they realize. Ugh !!!  I used to think Jews were smart and intelligent.  I always thought that lawfare was a weapon of the intolerant Muslims and Muslims alone.  Not any more.

Stewart Bell writing at NationalPost:
....The publisher of a British Columbia website    that has drawn repeated complaints over its portrayals of Jews has been charged with promoting hatred following a six-month police investigation, officials said Tuesday.

Arthur Topham, 65, was charged with a single count of willfully promoting hatred against “people of the Jewish religion or ethnic group” as well as improper storage of firearms found in his house near Quesnel, B.C.

“The branch has approved charges against him,” said Neil MacKenzie of the B.C. Criminal Justice Branch. He said the province’s assistant deputy attorney general had sign off on the hate crimes charge.....

...Mr. Topham is a miner....
...He also publishes Radical Press, a website that posts materials with conspiracy theory themes such as the “Biological Jew” and the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.”

The Biological Jew depicts Jews as parasites that suck the blood from their “host” societies while the Protocols is a fraudulent book that purports to describe a conspiracy for worldwide Jewish domination.
In May, Harry Abrams, a B’nai Brith volunteer in Victoria, B.C., and Ottawa lawyer Richard Warman both complained to police about the website. Mr. Warman’s complaint said both the Biological Jew and the Protocols were banned from import into Canada as hate propaganda.

“When you’ve got that kind of just rabid attack against the Jewish community I think it’s incumbent on people to stand up in society,” said Mr. Warman, who regularly files complaints about racist websites......

....Doug Christie, Mr. Topham’s defence lawyer, confirmed in an email his client had been formally charged. Asked if he wanted to comment, Mr. Christie responded: “Opposition to Zionism should not be illegal.”
But Ms. Bromberg said the website went well beyond that. “This isn’t a free speech issue about the politics behind Israel. It is borrowing on age-old canards that raise our concerns that this is designed to spread hate,” she said. “Our concerns were valid, they were carefully considered by the police and obviously, because these were hate crimes charges, by the attorney-general.”....

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