Sunday, November 18, 2012

Turkey's prime turkey criticizes Israel while throwing a blanket on his treatment of Kurds

The man is really something else !  He criticizes Israel while doing a thousand times worse to the Kurds in Turkey and besides I haven't read or heard of a single missile being used by the Kurds,  whereas,  the pallies have shown the world how they have a never-ending stockpile in their "refugee camp".

Erdogan's Islamic govt  has been killing their Kurdish population (one-fifth of the population are Kurds desiring their own statehood) and has been imprisoning them without trial for years and years. There's so much trouble going on in Turkey that it's truly flabbergasting that the media here does not talk much about what's happening there to the Kurds but focuses only on the pampered Palestinians, and that too only because of their deep-rooted hatred of  Jews. Anything that can show Jews as hateful is exploited to the very maximum.

Instead of putting his own house in order, Erdogan wants to preen and struct around like a peacock  and make like he is in control of not just Turkey but fit for taking control of the nations around him.  Maybe the time is fast approaching for Turks to join the Kurds and revolt against the Erdogan Islamic regime.  That would be something to look forward to.

The vid below is from Reuters:

From Reuters:
 ....Under Erdogan's Islamist-rooted AK Party,   Turkey has sought to use its clout as a rising democratic power in the Muslim world to increase its influence in the Middle East, distancing itself from former ally Israel......

From Haaretz:
 ....From his proposal to reinstate the death penalty   to his attacks on various world bodies, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is pushing assertive local and regional agendas.........

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