Monday, November 19, 2012

Obama's visit to Burma, a great new beginning for his 2nd term

Extremely praiseworthy.  This is the very first visit by an US Prez to this country which has a very promising future under the inevitable future leadership of  Aung San Suu Kyi who is the leader of the opposition.

Tens of thousands of people poured into the streets to welcome Obama to a place still learning its basic freedoms.

Speaking to a national audience from the University of Yangon, Obama offered a "hand of friendship" and a lasting U.S. commitment, yet a warning as well. He said the new civilian government must nurture democracy or watch it, and U.S. support, disappear.

The visit to Myanmar was the centerpiece of a four-day trip to Southeast Asia that began in Bangkok and will end Tuesday in Cambodia, where Obama will attend an East Asia Summit.

Obama seemed to revel in the history of what he was witnessing in Myanmar — a nation shedding years of military rule, and a relationship between two nations changing fast......

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