Monday, November 26, 2012

Toronto's all time favorite Mayor Rob Ford removed by the evil ones

Evil is triumphant in Toronto today with the judge's ruling that Mayor Rob Ford  be removed from office.

Mayor Rob Ford did not take a course at Toastmasters.   He speaks his thoughts aloud just like he would with his family and friends.  There's no pretense or Oscar winning play-acting from Mayor Ford. He has his flaws too, but unlike the evil ones, he does not hide them.  Those are just some of the reasons that the major won by a huge majority just two years ago.

Sad day for those of us who are supporters of the mayor.  I hope there will be a fresh election and I  hope the mayor will be re-elected by an even bigger majority than the first one.

From the NationalPost:
An Ontario judge has given Toronto Mayor Rob  Ford 14 days to vacate his seat.
Mr. Ford contravened the municipal conflict of interest act when he spoke and voted on a matter in which he had pecuniary interest at a city council meeting in February.

“Accordingly, I declare the seat of the respondent Robert Ford on Toronto city council, vacant,” wrote Justice Charles Hackland.

“In view of the significant mitigating circumstances surrounding the respondent’s actions …. I decline to impose any further disqualification from holding office beyond the current term.”

Given the impact on the City of Toronto, the judge ruled that “the operation of this declaration shall be suspended for a period of 14 days from the release of these reasons.”

Mr. Hackland also said the mayor’s actions were “characterized by ignorance of the law and a lack of diligence in securing professional advice” which he said amounted to “willful blindness” on the part of Mr. Ford. “In view if the respondent’s leadership role in ensuring integrity in municipal government, it is difficult to accept an error in judgment defence based essentially on a stubborn sense of entitlement (concerning his football foundation) and a dismissive and confrontational attitude to the Integrity Commissioner and the Code of Conduct,” the judge wrote in his 24 page judgment.

The ruling throws Toronto’s fractious political landscape into upheaval. The mayor’s lawyer could appeal and request a stay of the order so he can remain in office until another court rules. Otherwise, city council would declare the seat vacant and within 60 days decide whether to appoint a new mayor — and the City of Toronto Act states that anyone can apply — or hold a by-election.....


  1. You HAVE figured out that Ford was guilty of conflict of interest, haven't you? Surely you understand what that means?

  2. Conflict of interest ?? What does that mean??? Is it something like what Liberals and Democrats do on a daily basis??


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