Monday, November 26, 2012

Another one who thinks his "home" is not Canada ... Mark Carney

Goodbye and hope the door spanks  him hard on his backside.  

Don't forget that this is the guy who thought that the Occupy movement  was an "understandable product of the `increase in inequality'.   Don't forget that this is the guy who has kept interest rates to almost nothing, which might be a good thing for borrowers but not for people, especially retirees, who are living off the interest from their  fixed deposits or GICs.

The good citizen and "patriotic"  Mr.Mark Carney  has gone hunting for a fucking title, just like Conrad Black.   I am telling you here and now,  within a few years this fuck will be on his knees being knighted by HRM.

From TheGuardianUK:
...The chancellor George Osborne sprang a surprise     on the City on Monday after he put Canada's central bank chief in charge of the Bank of England.

Mark Carney, the current governor of the Bank of Canada, is largely unknown outside the cloistered circles of central bankers and financial regulators, but has gained a reputation as a tough operator able to confront major banks at the heart of the financial crisis............


  1. Well Maria, we should be proud of Mark and Beiber, Canadians,with lots of admirers, who made it in the world .. heh

  2. Justin Beiber is still young and can be forgiven ... for now. Mark Carney has bitten the hand that placed him on the pedestal of glory from whence he set his eyes on a knighthood.

  3. Blame globalization. Canada is too small a pond.
    Ah, the glory for the future Sir Mark, off to the rescue.


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