Sunday, November 11, 2012

Toronto "Mayor for a Day"

Our mayor, Rob Ford,  keeps us informed:

Dear Friends: 
This week we kicked off the beginning of the Budget process for 2013. During Wednesday's Budget Committee meeting, staff brought forward a report that supported a zero-percent increase in garbage collection rates. This is fantastic news for taxpayers. It was made possible by smart management, the great labour deal we negotiated with our employees and the successful outsourcing of waste collection in District 2. 

Today I welcomed a unique guest to City Hall. Fourteen-year-old Ms. Caprice Herjavec, a Grade 9 student at Havergal College, who served as Mayor for a Day. Throughout the day, she helped carry out many of my Mayoral duties, including reading a proclamation, taking part in a committee meeting and presenting scrolls to 55+ athletes who competed in the Ontario Senior Games this summer in Brampton. 

Here is an account of the day from Ms. Herjavec's view: 
"The experience was truly amazing and I learned a lot from it. I now know the hierarchy of the municipal government, how important the Mayor's staff is, and all the background work that is involved with the Mayor. I am proud to have Rob Ford as our Mayor and appreciate how much time he devotes to the community. Did you know that he makes hundreds of phone calls a day to his constituents? I didn't know that! In conclusion, I would like to thank every one of the Mayor's staff for giving me the opportunity to experience being the Mayor for a day."Caprice Herjavec 

As we head into the weekend, I would like to encourage everyone to take part in the many Sunday November 11, Remembrance Day ceremonies across the City. Remembrance Day ceremonies will begin at 10:45 a.m. at Old City Hall and our Civic Centres. There are also many community organizations that are planning Remembrance Day ceremonies as well. To find a ceremony to attend, please visit:

There is no radio show this weekend, as I will be taking part in Remembrance Day ceremonies and events throughout the City. 
Yours Truly, 
Mayor Rob Ford 

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