Sunday, November 11, 2012

Something is sinfully wrong in the misnamed St. Lucie, Florida

I smell voting fraud...big time.  That "technical glitch" is a great excuse for cheating.  What's that unbearable smell?  It gotta be coming from George Soros's  old and evil but not dead yet rotting carcass.

 ...West, who has refused to concede the race,     is currently trailing Murphy by 2,442 votes, according to the latest results from Florida  Division of Elections. On its website, the agency says West has garnered 164,448 votes to Murphy’s 166,890.

"There are possible irregularities in St. Lucie County," claims Jeffrey Scott Shapiro, a Florida lawyer volunteering for the West campaign who has been quoted on the issue. "On Sunday we'll have a chance to recount the early votes and that's a good start to preserving the integrity of the democratic process."
West's campaign said in a Saturday statement it was pleased with the news of the partial recount.

"This decision should help shed light on the situation of this election," the statement said. "This is the action we were seeking to ensure the results of this election were fair and accurate."

West's campaign had said earlier Saturday that issues with the voting in St. Lucie County meant the race was still undecided.

"Late on Election Night, Congressman West led by 1,700 votes," West for Congress said in a statement. "Following the St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections’ decision to recount thousands of early ballots after a technical glitch, the margin shifted by 4,000. In order to ensure that votes were not doubled counted, we have requested that the St. Lucie Supervisor of Elections make public the poll check-in books to ensure the numbers of ballots cast matches the numbers of voters checked-in at the polls."

The state tally is complete but still unofficial. There are still a handful of overseas and military ballots outstanding. ....

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