Monday, November 26, 2012

Putin's Russia ... another victim of Saudi Arabia's spread of Wahhabism AKA Terrorism

The Creeping Sharia blog  has a list of terror attacks in Putin's Russia.  According to the blog there have been 60+ jihadi clashes in the North Caucasus where we know the once peaceful Muslims have been getting wahhabism fed to them from Saudi Arabia.  Can you blame Russia for being against Saudi Arabia and siding instead with SA's enemies, Iran and Syria???  IMO, Saudi Arabia is the most evil nation on this our good Earth and is the primary cause of every single terror of the present day  as well as from well befoe the first 9/11.

Here are just some from the first few months of  2012 ... the list goes on and on:
January 8 – Two militants and two soldiers were killed and another five soldiers were wounded in clashes in Chechnya. 
January 9 – Four soldiers and four militants have been killed and sixteen servicemen were wounded in a shootout in Chechnya
February 15 – Four servicemen have been killed in a shootout with militants in Chechnya
March 4 – Three policemen and a gunman died during an attack on a polling station in Dagestan on Sunday.
March 6 – A suicide bomber in Dagestan detonated a bomb near a police station killing at least four police.
April 28 – Two policemen were killed and one injured when a police car was blown up on Saturday just outside the town of Malgobek in Ingushetia.

The vid below is part 3 of 5.   Part 1 is here,   (part 2 has been removed by YouTube citing NationalGeographic copyrights)  4 here     and 5 here.

And, don't forget the Beslan horror  either.  Russia has suffered as much as the USA, India, UK and others .... just because we are against communism does not mean we should ignore what the Russian people are going through.

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