Monday, November 26, 2012

Polio raises its ugly head .... in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria

I wonder if  Jason Kenney and his department should be sued in case a Canadian  gets this deadly disease which might travel here with  the planeloads of Afghans imported  under his watch.  More importantly, are the soldiers coming back from Afghanistan getting proper screening??  Polio is one of the most contagious disease and I was under the mistaken belief  that it was completely eradicated.  I know how dangerous this disease is from a personal tragedy in the family many decades ago.  An uncle of mine who had a great promising future as a football player was struck down and died within a few months of contracting the disease.  His prized possession ... his legs,  were the first to go.

People from Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan  should not be allowed to leave their country unless they can show they have been vaccinated against polio, according to the body which monitors attempts to eradicate the disease.

A report from the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative says every time a child or adult from these three countries travels abroad, they risk carrying the polio virus with them.

Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan are the only countries where polio remains endemic, which means transmission of the virus has never been stopped.
There has also been a handful of polio cases in Chad this year....

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