Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Jordan gonna explode soon because the Muslim Brotherhood has given approval for it's destruct

You have to listen to this almost 5-hour lecture    from the expert on such matters, Major Stephen Coughlin, to understand how it all works.  The Muslim Brotherhood aka Saudi Arabia aka the Caliphate aka the OIC came out loud and clear a couple of days ago with a call to protest against the ruler   which is a clear signal to the jihadis in Jordan that it's time for them to revolt  and  bring home the booty to the MB

John Rossomando writing at InvestigativeProject:
 ...."Revolution, revolution, it is a popular revolution," a crowd of more than 2,000 people chanted in Amman's main square outside Jordan's Interior Ministry, King Abdullah II, a U.S. ally. "Freedom is from God, in spite of you, Abdullah."

Riot police in Amman used water cannons to disperse some of the protesters.

Protesters armed with assault rifles attacked a government building in Maan, a hotbed for Islamic militants located 150 miles south of Amman, after noon prayers, opening fire and wounding police officers who tried blocking them, according to official reports.

While in the city of Karak, eyewitnesses and police say protesters marched through the streets chanting: "Down, down with you, Abdullah," and "Get out and leave us alone" as they shattered shop windows.

The protests were not "spontaneous," but triggered by the Muslim Brotherhood, a Jordanian security official told the Washington Post........

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