Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Go for it Israel .... enough is enough !!

At long last Israel has decided to defend herself.  The Israelis have realized that they don't need Obama's blessings (which would never come anyway) to launch an attack on their enemies.  Israel's neighbours, the world's best known  hypocrites  are screaming for the UN and the OIC and every other Jew-hater to come down on Israel.  When the missiles stolen from Gadhafi's stockpile and stolen from the arsenal supplied to the Libyan and Syrian terrorists by the West and the Sunni nations, were raining down from Gaza on Israel for the last so many months, these same hypocrites did not breathe a word of admonition to the Palestinian murderers .... but when Israel hits back, they are screaming like the banshees they are and running around like chickens with their heads chopped off.

From the IDF blog updates:
  In response to the incessant rocket attacks   from the Gaza Strip – more than 700 have struck Israel since the beginning of the year, and more than 120 since Saturday – the IDF has launched a widespread campaign against terror targets in Gaza. The operation, called Pillar of Defense, has two main goals: to protect Israeli civilians and to cripple the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza.

This post will provide updates as they become available. All times are Israeli time (GMT +2). Times are approximate. Post last updated at 10:53 PM on Nov. 14.
10:50 PM: Over the past few hours, the IDF has targeted dozens of Hamas’ medium range (up to 40km ) underground rocket launching sites and other weapons storage facilities.
10:00 PM: As of this time, the Iron Dome has intercepted 17 rockets fired from Gaza. Hamas continues to try to attack Israeli civilians.
9:55 PM: The IDF publishes an aerial photo of a long-range rocket launch site in the Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza, meters away from a mosque and playground.
9:30 PM: The IDF publishes an aerial video of a long-range Fajr-5 rocket in Gaza.

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