Saturday, November 3, 2012

Gay spotting in Washington DC's parks, streets, trains, everywhere

So much more to cover from Kia and moi's trip to Virginia.  I was sorting through our hundreds of pics today and remembered  the "he's gay, he's not" game we played while walking around  DC.

Kia has a thing for checking out the butts of guys she thinks are attractive up front.  When any good-looking, well-dressed guy passed by us (and the men in Washington DC dress up like they are advertising for suits), Kia would invariably turn around to check out his butt.  I got tired of telling her that most of the well-dressed, good looking guys were gays and it was a lost cause to give them the glad eye.  But, Kia, like I said gets her name from thinking she "Knows It All"  challenges moi for proof about things that perceptive women like me know right off and don't give a damn about  proof or evidence.

Washington DC is filled to the brim with gay guys.  If you don't believe me, go visit the place and don't forget to take a jaunt to the Adam Logan neighbourhood and vicinity ... especially after dark.  It's practically a continuous gay parade there.  So much so that there are huge advertisements at the bus-stops in that neighbourhood  which warns gays about HIV-related excess belly fat and entices them to try a  new medication to reduce belly fat ...lipodystrophy.  If nothing else, those ads will get the  Washington DC gays to  intensify their jogging and exercise routine and keep their bodies trim and firm.  If that fails, they can always opt for the new treatment as advertised.  

This is our new reality, dear readers.

However, many positive things to say about the gay men we saw.  They definitely know how to look after themselves and have great taste in clothes and accessories.  They always looked cool and  neat. Nothing slovenly about them.  Think Anderson Cooper or Don Lemon  of CNN.   The gays in Washington DC are cut from the same cloth...good looking, savvy, smart alecs.  

On the other hand, gay women are a curse, PERIOD.   Didn't see a single lesbian couple that looked like they had at least one mirror between them.  ugh !!


  1. Awww, you are questioning my fantasy of two hot women in a passionate lesbian embrace. It happens for real, they are not all bull dykes.

  2. Dream on Canuckguy. Reality is far from your fantasy.

  3. Ellen's wife is good looking. And Ellen is not hard to look at though she is a bit butchy.
    I rest my case.


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