Saturday, November 3, 2012

First known attack on Christmas 2012 ....

there will be many more, never fear.  Christmastime is when the intolerant segment of our population give vent to their hatred of Christians.   Most times it's fun to watch them  tear out their hair and scream at the moon, which includes this  attack on Shoppers Drug Mart.   How many times have we heard loud music of the most obnoxious kind but turned a deaf ear to it wondering to ourselves how anyone can like such assaults on their ears, but then again... because we are far above these nuts, in intellect and everything else, we understand that... if that's what the  nuts like, the nuts are welcome to it and there ends our discomfort.  Not so with the true haters .... they can spice it up a hundred notches or more.

Customers who walk into Shoppers Drug Mart   stores across Canada this weekend will no longer hear the faint strains of Christmas music -- at least for now.

The pharmacy chain announced in a message on its Facebook page that it was suspending the playing of Christmas music in its stores ‘until further notice.”

That came after a barrage of complaints from customers who said the chain had begun playing the tunes entirely too soon.

Shoppers had begun playing the music on Nov. 1, one day after Halloween.

Spokeswoman Tammy Smitham tells The Canadian Press that a number of unhappy customers contacted them through Facebook and customer service to complain the music had begun too early.
But customers who love their “Jingle Bell Rock” and “Little Drummer Boy” need not despair; Smitham says the Christmas music will be back later in the month.

On Friday evening, the company posted this note on their Facebook page.
“Hi everyone, due to recent complaints around the Christmas music being played in stores we want to advise you that as of midnight EST tonight, all Christmas music will be suspended until further notice. We do take customer feedback to heart, and it does lead to change. Thank you for your patience around this and have a fabulous Friday,” the notice reads.....

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