Thursday, August 16, 2012

What you can expect from the new Syria if the USA and other bullies get their way

Syrian TV journalist Yara al-Saleh along with other crew members were captured a week ago by the Allahu Akbar terrorists and Yara was forced to wear a sack to prevent her from giving boners to the Allahu Akbars.

Yesterday, the Syrian army managed to rescue the team (not clear if all were rescued or if some perished).  So .... dear folks .... what do you think will happen if Syria falls into the hands of those who are now running amok over that land and will continue to do with a greater frenzy when and if the Syrian army is vanquished?  

BTW .... both Yahoo and Google are playing havoc with SANA, Syria's official news agency  you will get it for a minute or two and then poof.   Or ...maybe, I am just being paranoid.

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