Thursday, August 16, 2012

Metin Ekinci ... Turkish Al Qaeda's honcho and brother of bomber of British consulate in Turkey, killed in Syria

Al Qaeda in Syria?  Come on Sherlock, that's hard to believe.  The struggle in Syria  is between the Syrian rebels and the killer Assad's killer army.

My dear Watson, I often wonder about all those capital letters after your name.   You know something Watson?  It's a sad day for Britain when we are now the paymasters of the very same terrorists who a few years ago killed our fellow Britishers at our consulate in Turkey.  Very vomit-inducing Watson, very.

A Turkish citizen was killed in clashes in Syria's Aleppo, Syrian state TV has reported.
Metin Ekinci's ID, as well as footage of his funeral, was shown on the channel. Ekinci was one of 23 people killed during combat between regime forces and rebels.
Ekinci's group, led by a Jordanian commander, was allegedly responsible for a recent massacre in the city of al-Bab. .....

AND pray tell, who is Metin Ekinci

From the GuardianUK dated Nov 2003

 ...It took five hours before rescuers  finally discovered Roger Short's body. Minutes before the suicide bomber ploughed his van into Britain's consulate building in Istanbul....

....There was a huge hole  in the ground where the bomb went off. The blast flung an air-conditioning unit and a microwave into the consulate garden from a nearby electrical shop. Roger Short couldn't be found anywhere.

Sifting through the remnants of a shop selling dentists' chairs, the rescue teams finally found Short's mangled body. The explosion had hurled him out of the building and across the road. Ten minutes earlier he had popped out of the consulate to get his shoes polished......

.......It was one of the worst attacks in British diplomatic history - a consul general dead; nine other consulate staff, three of them Britons, killed, together with two police officers protecting the building; the building gutted; and 450 people injured. Turkey's Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, announced yesterday that the death toll had gone up to 30, including at least 17 victims of the blast four minutes earlier at Istanbul's HSBC building, a short drive away......

....The Turkish media has identified Thursday's bombers as 27-year-old Azad Ekinci and Feridun Ugurlu, calling them 'Turkish nationals with links to the Middle East'.....

....Since his introduction to Islamic militancy, security sources say, Ekinci travelled to Afghanistan eight times and Pakistan three times. The trips would have been an opportunity to fight with the Taliban, build contacts with hardened activists close to Osama bin Laden and learn terrorist techniques....

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