Thursday, August 23, 2012

Turkey slow roasted on a smouldering fire

I can see only an escalation of violence from here.  There's a lot going on in Turkey that the Western press just glosses over, never going into depth.  The trouble started several months ago with peaceful marches by Turks who are against the Govt. decision to align with the West and Arab countries against Syria.   Over and besides that, they have the  Kurds problem, which is a constant thorn in Turkey's side.  When, about a month ago, the Kurds took over a  section of Syria     which makes up miles and miles of the border between Turkey and Syria, that spelled nothing but trouble as is being shown now, much quicker than one would have expected.   Kurds will use the stronghold they have claimed for themselves in Syria, as a launching pad for attacks against Turkey.   There are also rumors that the Kurds are being armed by the Syrian forces..... no wonder the Kurds were able to take over the border towns so easily.  If the rumors are true, then it was a great strategic move by the Syrian regime to let them gain that foothold and then use them against Turkey.

We are moving, ever so steadily towards the big ***BOOM***   Let's hope Canada keeps out of this mess. Nothing good is going to come out of the present situation over there.  Moreover, with the not insignificant percentage of Muslims making up our citizenry and with the infighting between the various Islamic sects going on in that part of the world,  some of it is likely to come to our soil too, more so if Canada chooses sides.  We are used to the cocktails served to us by the gals and guys in the bars, not by Muslims in the streets.

Aug 23:
Turkish troops have killed 16 Kurdish guerrillas in an operation in southeastern Turkey targeting militants who launched a bomb attack on a military convoy that killed five soldiers, the local governor's office said on Thursday.
The clashes are part of a growing cycle of violence in the remote, mountainous province of Hakkari bordering Iraq and Iran - a development which Turkish officials and analysts are linking to the deepening conflict in Syria.
The army sent in troop reinforcements and helicopter gunships after Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) rebels detonated remote-controlled bombs in the attack on the army convoy in Hakkari's Semdinli district on Wednesday.

Aug 20:
...A 12-year-old girl became the ninth victim today of a bomb blast in Turkey's southeast, which has highlighted fears that Kurdish rebels seeking self-rule are becoming emboldened by moves toward autonomy by the Kurdish minority in war-torn Syria.

Deputy Prime Minister Besir Atalay said the girl had died of her wounds and three other children were among those killed when a bomb concealed in a vehicle exploded yesterdat night near a police station in the city of Gaziantep, near the Syrian border, where tens of thousands of refugees are sheltering in Turkish camps.
Dozens more were wounded in the blast, which occurred on a Muslim holiday and came amid an increase in fighting in recent weeks between Turkish forces and Kurdish rebels who took up arms in 1984.

 ....The violence is a headache for Turkey's  Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan as he seeks to limit the impact on Turkey of the conflict in Syria, where the PKK is exerting growing authority in some border areas. Ankara believes PKK militants are receiving arms from Syrian forces.....

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