Thursday, August 23, 2012

How sweet, lovable teddy bear terrorists go after demonic monsterous Syrian regime

The vid below, thanks to twitterer Shoebridge.  

BBC deleted the above vid from their website.  The exchange between  a reader and BBC   is quoted below.

23 August 2012 6:07PM
Response to lacilir, 23 August 2012 9:36AM
In this shocking video by the BBC, a prisoner , held by the rebels, is being told that he is being released and that all he has to do is drive a truck to an Syrian Army checkpoint in Aleppo. What he isn't being told is that once he is there the rebels are going to remotely detonate a bomb they puton the truck once he gets to the checkpoint
There has been speculation on the internet after the BBC deleted this video, which was originally published by the New York Times. We asked the BBC why it was deleted and this is their reply:
Under the terms of the agreement with the New York Times we only had the rights to use the material on broadcast outlets. However the material was used online in error. As soon as we realised the error we immediately took steps to remove the online material.

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