Thursday, August 30, 2012

This is why cops are hated by even law-abiding citizens

The fucking bastards would never do to the Allahu Akbars what they do to law-abiding citizens.  Remember how the UK police were running away from the Allahu Akbars a couple of years ago?  Police have a reputation for being bullies of the very worst kind but only towards the helpless.

Brutal control of  other human beings is what draws almost all of them to join the police force.  That's my opinion and I am sticking to it.

I hope Michelle Jordan sues the LAPD to kingdom come and back.

....Fast-food restaurant surveillance video obtained by the TV station ( ) showed officers taking her to the ground. After she is handcuffed and walked to a police car, the 5-foot-4 woman is tackled a second time by an officer who lands on top of her.

"She made some unwise moves," her attorney, Sy Nazif, told the station. "But certainly nothing that warranted a physical assault from the LAPD."....

1 comment:

  1. When will we start holding officers accountable for their brutality and excessive use of force? It seems the more these situations arise, the more they are ignored and even justified. Over 20 years after the Rodney King incident and what has changed? We live in a country which profits from violent policing. Read more about how our justice system has run amuck at


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